Jam Raquion
- by Curva Team

Explore the radiant energy within our Curva Crew! Embark on a journey into the dynamic realm of Jam Raquion, a valued member of our distinguished Curva Brand Ambassadors. Get ready to be moved by Jam's empowering voyage of self-assurance and authenticity as she illuminates our captivating Curva Chronicles!
Can you share a moment when Curva's Shapewear made you feel exceptionally confident?
When I first tried it on & it actually was able to fit me like a glove, I was simply amazed by it! Quite speechless if I'm being honest, because of how it smooths out the curves I already have & accentuates them. I tried on different outfits on top of it & they all looked phenomenal in my opinion so that was such a pleasant treat. Being a big girl or a bigger girl, to be precise makes it harder to find clothing sometimes as some brands don't make sizes that cater to all body types or if the size is okay, the design would normally take a step back. So, with the Curva shapewear, the design & size aspects are well met, making it easier & more enjoyable to use.
Can you describe a time when Curva's mission deeply resonated with you
Curva's mission is all about empowering Filipina women to feel confident, empowered, and beautiful in their own skin & from the get-go go I just knew that I'd be on board because that's exactly what I stand for as well. As an obvious plus-size girly, I try my best to strive & inspire other girlies like me to step out of their comfort zone & be able to have some confidence & pizzazz in their bodies. For the longest time, society has long projected what it deems to be "desirable" or "acceptable", there appears to be a "standard" on how a woman's body should be like. Luckily, and also through countless hard work from different people in different walks of life, we are slowly being more open & accepting of bodies; normalizing normal bodies & giving everybody a chance to be represented even when it comes to the media. We've come a long way, but we still have a long way to go, so missions like this one of Curva would definitely help make it happen.
What's one piece of advice you'd give to someone new in the Curva crew?
Don't be afraid to take risks! I know, I know, that it can be quite daunting at first, because most of the time it would be like a shot in the dark, 50-50 percent chance, but honestly if you never take chances or risks in life then you will also be robbing yourself of the chance to reach your full potential, know what you're capable of or what you can achieve & even be fully happy. I'm not saying you should make some big life changing decision on a whim, or make huge gambles now, you can start off small and then see where you can go from there, just have the courage to at least try.
Can you share a personal story that highlights the importance of embracing one's curves?
I believe I fully started embracing my curves back when I was still in high school. Back then, I may be slimmer or lighter in weight than I am now, but undoubtedly, I was still one of the bigger girls in school so, whether I liked it or not, I stood out. Whenever someone would zone in and point out my size, I would jokingly tell them to refer to me as “sexy” instead. When someone would stare at me and look me up & down, I’d be like “Please don’t let my sexiness distract you” or something similar to that. As time went by, the nickname “Jam Sexy” picked up, people were calling me that & I ran with it! Although it started as a joke, I realized that I was able to alter my brain chemistry; from wondering or thinking that I may be sexy to declaring and truly believing that I am! Due to this, I have developed this confidence in me that cannot be easily shaken or taken away. As it turns out, I was not the only one to notice it, since various brands and personalities have reached out to me for collaborations and partnerships, raving about how they admire the way I carry myself and their intention to help me spread such a powerful message when it comes to loving one’s self, including one’s body. If teenager me would have succumbed to the bullies and allowed myself to get eaten by my insecurities, then I wouldn’t have been the person I am today, working with such inspirational brands as Curva and being able to inspire others.
Can you share a story where you inspired someone else to embrace their body because of Curva?
When I posted my unboxing and try on video of the Curva Shapewear, I actually received multiple direct messages from various followers, expressing how appreciative they were of my content. What amazed me the most was that the messages came from women who recently became mothers. One in particular explained to me in detail how becoming a new mother has been very challenging and difficult for her, maneuvering through motherhood, having to be in charge of this new life that she has brought to the world definitely is fulfilling but at the same time draining. As a result, taking care of herself and getting back her confidence after the pregnancy altered her body has undeniably taken a back seat. Upon seeing my video, it has given her some sort of comfort in seeing that a body that resembles her new body now, can still be flaunted and celebrated; that it is going to take some time getting used to, but likewise, there is no need to be so hard on herself as there is no need to compare her body then and now, as both are perfectly normal and beautiful in their own way. Reading how a simple video I did helped her in that magnitude and reach that realization definitely made me feel so warm and fuzzy inside.
How do you think the fashion industry can better embrace all body types?
It’s quite simple actually, by providing varieties in terms of sizes, designs and options. Like I have stated earlier, sometimes when it comes to clothing, sometimes it is hard to have the “best of both worlds”; sometimes you find a brand that carries your size, but the design is lacking, basic, or does not quite meet your taste, and then sometimes, you find a piece of clothing that really catches your attention and fits your style more but unfortunately, the size range would be quite limited. So, generally, you don’t get the full satisfaction with your clothing and more often than not, that results to being less confident in terms of how you look in the clothes or how you carry yourself. If brands can exert more effort in researching and spending more time in expanding their size range and providing better designs, I feel like it will be better for everyone.
How do you handle negative comments or beliefs about body image, online or offline?
I don’t. Haha! Kidding aside, in terms of negative comments that I receive online, it is easier to handle as I could easily ignore them and go on about my day. I know how online trolls work, how people can easily hide behind faceless and nameless accounts, spewing nothing but negativity and hate just because they can or they are bored and wouldn’t have to worry about the repercussions as they cannot be pinpointed or easily confronted. So why would I waste my time arguing with them or proving myself to people who can’t even have the courage to say all those stuff to my face, right? As for offline negative comments, handling them is trickier, not going to lie, because you can’t mute someone or turn off notifications in person. Haha! I look at multiple factors: do I know them personally? Are the people saying those things older or younger than me? Are they aware that what they have uttered was offensive or are they naturally the out-of-touch type of people? Regardless of the circumstances though, I exercise a level of control when dealing with them. I assess the situation and act accordingly. Most importantly, I know how to pick my battles, if that person saying those things are generally bitter and salty towards the world, lost causes if you will, I simply let their words glide off me like water off a duck’s back. However, if there is still a glimmer of hope in dealing with that person, if they appear open-minded, I would try to educate them or at least try to show them how the situation is from my point of view.
How do you encourage others to break free from traditional beauty standards?
By sharing my story, posting content and in a way bringing them along my journey. I believe we all should be able to navigate this life freely, so I’m not one to push my own beliefs on other people. Instead of forcing someone to do something, I’d rather do it myself; try different things on my own, check out products, apply a new method, experiment in terms of how I present myself or for example mix & match prints in terms of outfits, work on different poses, et cetera. After doing all of these, I then simply share what I know or those that I have recently learned, both for my own record or so I would have something to look back on, as well as others would have some sort of basis. I guess what I am trying to say is that by genuinely being me & sharing my own experiences in life online, I give the people viewing my posts the freedom to take whatever they can & want, with the hope that what I have shared would help them move forward or even get just the tiniest bit of inspiration to try & break stereotypes and challenge traditional beauty standards.
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- Posted in:
- Body Positivity
- Curva Brand Ambassador
- Curva Women
- Eco-Friendly Fashion
- Fashion
- Self Love